I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Ms George.
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Jingle Bells (SLJ) - Asinate
Today for SLJ we had to make a kiwi Christmas song and here is mine.!
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jingle all the way Christmas in New Zealand ay,
Jingle bells , Jingle bells Jingle in the summer, presence underneath the New Zealand Christmas tree oi ay, ( pohutukawa tree )
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jingle all the way Christmas bells ring up and drown ay , ay
Jingle bells , Jingle bells Jingle all the way can’t you hear the bells going up and drown
Jingle bells , Jingle bells Jingle all the way Christmas it day we spend with your whanau !
Monday, 21 December 2020
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Te Reo Maori- what are you doing (SLJ) - Asinate
Monday, 14 December 2020
Floral Insect Art ( SLJ ) - Asinate
Fishy False Teeth (SLJ) - Asinate
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Monday, 16 November 2020
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Next Generation of AMOUGS US - By Asinate
I know I was turned into a doll at first but man oh god let me tell you that it felt good at first but the shop was like it has not been clean for years it was the most rusty shop I have seen.
As I got stares from others I think it was because I was new, well I didn't care at first then I tried to talk but I think no one could hear me. It just kind of backfired. I saw so many people. It was strange because there was this little boy and I had just seen his ‘missing’ flyer outside the shop. It is the strangest thing. I look around me and there are more people that I have seen on those ‘missing’ flyer’s.
I could hear people talking. They said something like this ‘’the cops are going to find us you know.” I tried to move but it was hard. Suddenly one foot went in front of the other then I saw a big couch in front of me. I just jumped. I did not care too much. I walked to the small room that they were talking in and all they said was ‘’Mira‘’ at that point I just froze. I think they were talking in spanish because my mum always used to say that to me I don’t even know if she is looking for me?
I tried to talk but I couldn't. Finally words came out and I said “may I ask you why are you doing this?” They replied with “HOW DID YOU GET HERE.“ I asked them to let me go and I promised not to tell anyone, even though I knew I would tell my family so the other kids can get help too.
To Be Continued ....
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Aroha-By Asinate
I got bullied because of the way I act, the way I look and the way I am.I don't like going to school , everyday it is just the same. I walk down the the hall people tease me because of who I am.I talk to myself and ask .How is this work going to get through life if there are bullies.I try to tell my best friends but they don't listen.
I am on my own trying to treat myself. I don't know who is with me my mum I hope.Maybe I will tell that that at school I feel hopeless and depressed.The name called and teases are pushing me out.I don't feel like I fit in. I could it in my mother eye's watery tears coming down her red face. I had no feelings I was speechless.
It is time to let it go , step up for myself , ignore the haters. I need to take charge , more powerful . It is time to be calm and peaceful for me and my mother.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Dolphins-By Asinate
Today I read a story about Dolphins I found out that dolphins use echolocation hear the sound of their clicking to know where they are. See below for more information
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Sunday, 13 September 2020
Iron Tamariki-By Asinate
My reading group has been focusing on a story called Iron Tamariki by: Paora Tibble. Here is a picture I have drawn on Google drawing about the swimming stage of the Iron Maori.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Mophead (Selina Tusitala Marsh)- Asinate
This is a piece of writing in the form of a diary entry for our study of 'Mophead'
Mophead By Selina Tusitala Marsh
Dear Dairy:
Today I went to the dumb Restorative Justice meeting. I had to meet up with my bully . I wanted to ditch this meeting to be honest . As the time came my hands were wet and sweaty . Then I saw my mum ,I went to her as she was crying I don't know why.I saw the bully to be honest I did not want to talk to her . was still mad at her for what she have done to me.I asked my mum where my dad was she replied "he is not here". I didn't care to be honest and why should I care he never talk's to me . Then the principal called my name and let me tell you I though I was going to die.I told my half of the story and the bully told her half . When I told my half she said I was lying.Everyone know I wasn't The bully apologised and I left the office feeling how I feel at home FREE!
Monday, 24 August 2020
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Brother's Love - By Asinate
In the early morning I could hear birds chirping and the golden sun shining upon my house.Two kids run up and down the neighborhood laughing.I make eggs and Nutri Grain and milk.
Suddenly I saw watery tears coming down a little boy’s eyes.As I am rushing to see what is happening car by car pass me . Sirens going on and off, people running to see what has happened.
I can see his skin clawed and ripped apart. As the little boy’s watery tears come down his face I look to the side, the mother sobbing and crying for help.
As the little boy was rushed to the hospital his little sister cries as the doors are closed and the ambulance speeds away. To this day the little boy still has his beautiful smile.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
A Wink and a Blink-y Asinate
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Dear Sister Emma -By Asinate
Dear Sister Emma
Hi Hope you are doing fine. I miss you so much! Ever since the day that you have left it has not been the same. Hope you and Sam are doing ok up there in Auckland. You would never believe what has HAPPENED...
Our next door neighbour, old woman Jackson, went into the deep forest where there were a lot of big and small green trees. She found 2 kids that were GREEN.!!!
Old woman Jackson told them to come with her so they are isolating in her house.
I hear that they have other family members but they are all different colours so they felt left out and ran away. I wonder how they ended up in our village?
Please take good care of yourself and Sam up there in Auckland.
Joseph Stagwars
Monday, 8 June 2020
Monday, 1 June 2020
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Guilt Station -By Asinte

Tuesday, 3 March 2020
My Memory -Asiate
Tall, long green grass. Big and small rocks...take me back to my memory.
Grandpa telling me to go and look at the giant palm tree. Me saying to my grandpa, “why the tree built like that?” Gigantic trees, enormous big rocks. I felt a mosquito bite and blood dripping from my feet. Birds tweeting into my ear. Long branches in my way, trees that look like Christmas trees. My sister and I collecting rocks big and small. Mud on my shoes.All takes me back.
Blog profile 2020-Asinate
Monday, 3 February 2020
Euphrasie Barbie-By Asinate