
Thursday 30 January 2020

My First week back at school-By Asnate

             My First week back at school

My first week at school was good. At first when I came to school I wanted to go back home and sleep.When my principal called out my name I was to go to room 8 and my teacher was Ms. George.
She is a nice teacher. First we learned about the Coronations and did some art on our hands. We did some maths too. Also, I was very happy to see my friends. It was fun and cool. My first week at school in room 8 was OK.


  1. Hey Nate,
    Thanks for sharing about your first week of school and how it's been for you lately. The picture you chose is really funny! I still remember how tired some of us were on the first day back at school. Were you excited to come back to school, or did you want to extend our holiday? Keep up the great work :)

  2. Hello Asinate!
    Its me Summer c:
    Its good to see that your first week was great for you! I understand that you were tired.. all of us were :) are you ready to take the challenge of being a year 7 role model to kids? Ill be supporting you!

  3. Hi Asinate, me George here.
    This piece of work/photo reminds me of the previous students that was in our class. I hope this year will be the best you've ever had,
    -God Bless!
